49er Performance Enhancement Report by Simon Watinpdf5,064KB
49er sail plan with dimensionsjpg146KB
49er working sail dynamicsjpg94KB
49er perspective view - wireframejpg113KB
49er perspective view - renderedjpg87KB
49er side view - wireframejpg104KB
49er side view - renderedjpg66KB
49er end view - wireframejpg140KB
49er end view - renderedjpg42KB
49er top view - wireframejpg123KB
49er top view - renderedjpg76KB
49er full realistic model - January 2012igs4,723KB
49er full realistic model - January 2012dxf4,855KB
29er Coaching Manual - Section 1, Rig Settingspdf1,587KB
29er Coaching Manual - Section 2, Training Exercisespdf401KB
29er working sail dynamicsjpg185KB
Buying a used 29erpdf75KB
Righting Moment in the 29erXX by Helena Scuttpdf721KB
HSS Junior Program 2011_7 Calendar of the Optimist Programpdf1,087KB
HSS Youth Program quantitative plan 2011 - 2015xlsx11KB
Rig tensionpdf96KB
Wire stretchpdf204KB
(this is a low-res version derived from the original 3DM file created in Rhino — it has
been deliberately altered to resemble a close approximation rather than an accurate model)
(this is a low-res version derived from the original 3DM file created in Rhino — it has
been deliberately altered to resemble a close approximation rather than an accurate model)